A Woman’s view on a Godly MARRIAGE

Our Wedding Day

Okay so this post may be cheesy to some of you, I don’t know about you but I LOVE cheesy! Marriage can be a fairy-tale if you make it one. But here is the thing if you want that kind of marriage, you and your spouse have to work hard to keep it at that level. Don’t get me wrong, all the LOVEY-LOVEY-CHEESY exists. In our own marriage we work hard to have what we want in terms of that DREAM MARRIAGE. So I added a few things that I think are important in a marriage!


Photo by bruce mars on Pexels.com

Communication is super duper important when it comes to marriage. For example if you and your friends are planning to hang out, you just tell your spouse that your friends and you want to go hang out (this can be to go out and have a bite to eat with a group of friends or even a movie night.).

The other thing about communication is you TELL your spouse how you feel. If you don’t like something that they do, tell them. For example, sometimes I don’t fold the fresh clean laundry right away (Don’t tell anyone haha.) and my husband does not like that sometimes, so he offers to help me by folding the laundry with me! And we get the job done quicker. What I am trying to say by this is to make a plan; For example, If I cook, my husband would do the dishes. I LOVE when he washes the dishes lol. Make a plan with your spouse, communicate together, and create a plan.

The other thing that I would like to mention is that when something is bothering you (at work, life in general), tell your spouse. It’s important to have someone you LOVE to listen to what you have to say and vice versa.


I believe prayer is also important in marriage. When you pray for each other, you also form a bond with your spouse. When you pray together, it shows that you care for them, especially when they pray for you. There is nothing more handsome than seeing my husband praying for me! I LOVE it when he prays for me. It makes me feel so loved!

We also say grace together before we eat our meal, it is important to say grace before eating your meal because you are giving thanks to the LORD.


Yes, say sorry, even in the public. Arguments are no fun, but we are all human. Pride takes over and sometimes I didn’t want to apologize when I was in the wrong. But to be a good wife, I had to apologize because if I didn’t and I was in the wrong, I would be sinning.

To be honest, I don’t believe in “The wife is always right” because it’s not true! As women, we can be wrong too! Also, don’t go to bed angry at your spouse! You know what the bible says about that?

“In your anger do not sin” : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry

Ephesians 4:26

It’s true! When some people talk about marriage, they say never go to bed angry with your spouse. Instead, solve everything before you go to bed, that way when you wake up, you won’t be angry at each other. It is the best feeling ever when you wake up at peace. Who doesn’t love waking up with peace in your mind!

The verse from Ephesians 4:26 basically says don’t be angry when you go to bed. Therefore, apologize to your LOVE!


Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

That’s right, if one falls down, you help them back up. Last week, I had to quit my job in downtown Toronto because the commute was not worth it and it was just too far. I had an interview that same week with another company near by my home, in fact 15 minutes away from my home. I was told from the interview that if I get the job, I will hear from them by Friday. Well here I am on a Tuesday working downtown, and suddenly I think working in downtown wasn’t worth it. I call my husband, we talk about the current job that I had and we both made a decision together that I should not be working in downtown. My husband supported me in my decision and encouraged me that I’ll find something better.

Near the end of that day, I went to one of the supervisors and told them the reason why I couldn’t work there anymore, and so I resigned. That day, I never felt much more free because let me tell you, if you don’t live in downtown or even close to downtown, commute is definitely not worth it! It took 45 minutes to get to work and 45 +more back to home and waking up at 5:30 A.M. EVERYDAY . The very next day (Wednesday) I started looking for work, still hoping that I would get a job from the company I get interviewed at.

It’s Friday, and I waited for the call ALL DAY. Then, my phone rings. I was told that I got the job (I held in my scream). After the phone call ended, I screamed, calmed myself, and called my husband. When I told him about the job, he told me that I did a good job. He really was happy too! I’m so thankful that God made a way when I thought there was no way! Words of affirmation from your spouse are important when it comes to good news!

These were just a few things that I believe what a Godly marriage is about.

May the Lord Bless you

P.S. tomorrow is our 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!